tutor-606091_1280A personal consulting service which includes the following:


Family Consultation
• An initial family consult either in person or by Skype to listen and to see if we can help, and for families to be comfortable with us. 
• After this first consult, we would then discuss contract and payment options.

Student Profile
• The next contact would involve in depth discussions on parent goals and student goals
• The development of a detailed student profile.

School Research
• J. & A. produces a list of potential school matches for the family to research online
• With input and guidance from J. &A. the family hones the list to the top desired choices, ensuring a range of schools to visit
• J. & A. approaches the schools’ admission directors from this list to introduce the student and assess the school’s possible interest

Student Coaching
• Dr. Jarvis, or his associate interviewer, helps the student prepare the best possible application and essay
• The student (and parents) are coached in interview techniques for their visit with admission directors, or for a Skype interview

Visit Preparation
• J. & A. set up an interview and tour schedule for schools in Canada and/or the US. In some instances, Dr. Jarvis or the New England associate will accompany the family
• Prior to schools making decisions, Dr. Jarvis will contact admissions directors to see if they need any other information to complete the application, and will make the final review of the student’s strengths with the schools.

School Choice
• Upon receiving multiple acceptances, J. & A. will speak with the family to provide any final input to help with their decision
• Consultant experience and personal encouragement will help the student and family make the best school choice
• J. and A. will help the family over the summer with the student’s transition into the school of his/her choice and – if requested by the family – act as a liaison with the school on their behalf throughout the student’s time at boarding school.  


Initial Consult
• A complimentary telephone/Skype interview can be arranged to discuss and assess a school’s needs for its admission office

Analysis of Materials
• A pre-campus visit review of all admission office marketing programs, support materials both print and online, and overall strategy

Campus Visit
• A one or two day on campus review of admission outreach, strategy, staffing and resources will take place

• When required a longer term support arrangement may be developed

Blueprint for Success
• After the visit a practical blueprint plan for success will be provided to assist the school in reaching its admissions goals

In summary, J & A provides:

• insights into North American boarding schools, based on a wealth of experience

• personal access to many of the leading admissions directors in Canada and the United States

• an encouraging environment for families to find the best fit of school for students of all abilities

• a highly personalized advisory service to both families and schools, as we take only a limited number of clients.