In the consulting and admissions fields listening is so important. In order to bring clarity to a family’s thoughts and aspirations in their school search, I have been thinking a great deal about the topic of clarity.
On my travels to London over the past five years I became reacquainted with one of my former English students. Originally from Victoria, BC, Jamie Smart has written two books - one called ‘Clarity’ and the other ‘Results.” Both books have been major bestsellers in the UK, where Jamie now lives.
Jamie works with corporations, business leaders and coaches. His book ‘Clarity’ was praised in a television interview by a Liverpool and England soccer international, and Jamie is doing motivational coaching currently with a member of the Scottish national rugby team. All this being done by an avowed non-athlete!
In the clip below of one of Jamie’s You Tube talks, he outlines the importance of a clear mind in order to “Listen deeply, respond meaningfully, in order to clarify someone’s questions.” How true that is when we speak with our families. We need to have a clear mind to really hear their thoughts, feelings and dreams for their children when researching schools. Only then can we help our client families reach clarity in their school search.
Jamie talks of his nervousness getting ready for his first television interview on Sky News Sport.
Here is a photograph of Jamie with me at Waterstone’s book store Trafalgar Square, London on Dec 17th. To have a book signed there by the author, a former student, on the week it was Number 4 in The Sunday Times (business section) Best- Seller list was great fun. Congratulations, Jamie!