Dr. Stephen M. Johnson

Upper Canada College, Head of Prep, 2000-2005 Saint John’s-Ravenscourt, Head of School, 2007-2014

I have known and worked with Phil Jarvis professionally in a number of settings and formally called upon his expertise on two occasions. In the fall of 2000, at a time when Upper Canada College (Toronto) wanted to review its boarding program, I recommended Phil to develop a marketing plan to increase the school’s boarding profile in the domestic and international market-place. His report was thorough and well-received and served as a solid reference point for UCC’s subsequent enhanced admissions outreach. When I later became Head of St. John’s-Ravenscourt School (Winnipeg), I had no hesitation both in 2007, and again in 2011, in asking Phil to both advise our admissions director and to develop a boarding marketing strategy which served the school and the Board exceptionally well with direct, clear recommendations that helped shape budget and strategic priorities.

Testimonial overview